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domingo, 29 de enero de 2012

Murder of John.F. Kennedy

November 22 of 1963, Dallas

That Kennedy traveled in a convertible was all a herey from the point of view of security, but it was election time and needed to show their closeness to the citizen.

6 people were traveling in the presitential car: Marriage Kennedy, Texas Governor John B. Connally, a security officer and the driver of the vehicle.

Everything was normal when, at 12:29 a.m., the presidential caravan headed slowly to the Helm street. By leaving behind an old book storage, a gunshot was heard. The president put his hand to the neck of that blood began to flow abundant. Connaly, in front of Kennedy, felt that it was also wounded on his thigh. A seconds later, a second shot hit on the head of JFK, staining of blood and brains his woman dress and leaving the president of de United States mortally wounded.

As caos gripped the Dealey Plaza, William Greer, the driver of the presidential vehicle, stepped on the accelerator and in 6 minutes showed up in the Hospital Park Land, where they couldn't do anything for the life of Kennedy, dying an hour later.

80 minutes later the principal suspect and alleged murderer Harvey Lee Oswald was arrested, hidding nearby a theater after ending the life of a policeman who tried to stop him (J.D. Tippit). Harvey Lee Oswald was a former marine, who was associated with the C.I.A. and, according to the theories, a secret double agent in the U.S. and U.S.S.R.

The theories that have circulated about this tragedy have been many, and will remain many, since even the days of the date, have not been clarified, or have not wanted to clarify. And is that many irregularities were committed in the investigation, from Kennedy's body moved from the hospital before the autopsy, to bury it in a short time, not taken into account the statements of pressential eyewithnesses, and even have disappeared suspiciously strong evidence that the sooting came just on the opposite side of where it was Oswald. In this regard, several witnesses who said they were behind the fence in the photo, there was someone with a gun right then, and even in some pictures that person is detected.

And is that all suspected of conspiracy broke out from the moment it became known that Oswald was a CIA agen, and Jack Ruby, his murderer, worked for Richard Nixon during the famous witch hunt.

Other versions of a plot point to Cuba and its president, whith whom he had a clearhostility from the missile crisis, or even the mafia, pursued by the president.

The Mary Moorman picture. Shows the moment of the Kennedy Assassination.
In November 22 of 1963, the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas, Texas.

Moorman is standing on a grassy area, approximately 61cm. at south of the south of the "Elm Street" cuba, at "Dealey Plaza", directly trough the grass and the concrete Pregola at north of were Abraham Zapruder and his assistant, Marilyn Sitzman where standing on during the murder. In the picture we can see this characters standing on the Pregola, when the presidential limo had passed from the view of Zpruder and Moorman.

Moorman were standing just 6 meters behind and to the left of the president Kennedy, with her friend Jean Hill, as we can clearly see on the Zapruder film.

(Frame 150 of the Zapruder film)

At the Z-135 and 136 of the Zapruder film, approximately 1/6 of second after the president head was shot, at frame 133, Moorman took a Polaroid Picture (The fifth that day) of the presidential limo, which also includes an area of grass and concrete.

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